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When looking to get your house professionally cleaned, you want to know exactly how long it will take and what the cost is going to be. Knowing these details upfront can help you plan better and decide if this service is right for you. Unfortunately, there isn’t a simple answer as the length of time required for professional house cleaning depends on numerous factors such as the size of the home, number of rooms, type and condition of furniture, carpeting or flooring, etc. In this article we’ll discuss 10 important factors that can affect the duration of a professional house cleaning job.

1) Size Of The Home

The size of your home has an obvious effect on how long it will take to clean it professionally. Obviously bigger homes will take longer to clean than smaller ones. In addition, the layout of the house and number of rooms also makes a difference in the time involved.

2) Type And Condition Of Furniture

The type and condition of furniture in your home can have an effect on how long it takes to get everything cleaned properly. Upholstery that is heavily soiled or stained may require extra cleaning time, for example.

3) Carpeting Or Flooring

Carpeted floors are notoriously difficult to clean due to the amount of dirt and debris that can become embedded in them over time. Professional cleaners often need to use specialized equipment and products in order to thoroughly clean carpets, which adds additional time to their task. Hardwood floors, on the other hand, can be a bit easier to clean due to the fact that they don’t absorb dirt and debris as much.

4) Cleaning Supplies

Professional cleaning companies, as is, use special cleaning supplies and equipment when performing their services. These supplies are often more expensive than regular household items and they require time to be set up prior to cleaning. As such, the type of products used will affect how long it takes to clean your home professionally.

5) Number Of People Working

The number of people working on a professional house cleaning job can also drastically affect how long it takes. More hands-on deck means faster results but also higher costs in terms of labor charges.

6) Amount Of Clutter

Clutter can make even the most basic cleaning jobs take longer, especially if it’s spread throughout the entire house. Professional cleaners will need to clear away any unnecessary items before they can start their job properly, adding additional time to the overall duration of their service.

7) Cleaning Frequency

How often you get your home professionally cleaned also affects how much time is needed for a thorough cleaning. If you only have your home cleaned once or twice a year, then it’s likely to take more time than if you get it done every few months. The amount of dirt and debris that accumulates over time has an obvious effect on how long it takes to clean everything properly.

8) Pets In The Home

Pet owners must take extra care when getting their homes professionally cleaned, as pet hair and fur can be difficult to remove. Professional cleaners will need to use special cleaning products and techniques in order to ensure that all the animal related mess is taken care of properly. This process can add time to their job.

9) Special Requirements

If you have any special requirements or requests for your professional house cleaner, then this will affect how long it takes them to complete the job. For example, if you require additional tasks such as window cleaning or dusting high shelves then these activities will add additional time onto the overall duration of the service.

10) Quality Of Work

Finally, the quality of work carried out by professional cleaners will also affect how long it takes them to get your home clean. If you want a thorough job done then this will require more time, whereas if you’re happy with basic cleaning then the duration can be shortened.

Overall, the length of time required to get your house professionally cleaned depends on numerous factors such as size of home, type and condition of furniture, carpeting or flooring,number of people working, amount of clutter and pets in the home. Consider all these factors carefully before selecting a professional house cleaner so that you know exactly what to expect in terms of cost and duration. With the right information at hand, you can ensure that the job is done promptly and to your exact standards.

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